Digital Dwelling Key
Digital content only.
Kingdom Death: Simulator
Kingdom Death: Monster digital core game
Stonecloud Service - Move from your virtual tabletop to your living room. Print and play where your KDS campaign left off.

Illusionist Key
Digital content and hard plastic key.
Kingdom Death: Simulator
Kingdom Death: Monster digital core game
Stonecloud Service - Move from your virtual tabletop to your living room. Print and play where your KDS campaign left off.
1 x Physical Art Card.
1 x Hard plastic Illusionist Key.

Master Key
Digital content and photoresin key set.
Kingdom Death: Simulator
Kingdom Death: Monster digital core game
Stonecloud Service - Move from your virtual tabletop to your living room. Print and play where your KDS campaign left off.
1 x Physical Art Card.
1 x Photoresin Dwelling Master Key Set
1 x Digital Dwelling Master Key set - All existing and future Monster expansions and vignettes for KDS (does not include single releases miniatures or cosmetics)
Kingdom Death: Simulator
Gather in the eerie, liminal space of the dwelling in the deep, dark woods. Kingdom Death: Simulator is the perfect setting for a virtual game night with far-flung friends. Unlock the doors and enter a game room dripping with atmosphere, tailor-made to play Kingdom Death: Monster by the light of the laternplace.
This project is actively in development. It creaks and moans but settles as we make constant improvements and quality of life upgrades. Current focus will remain on stability, gameplay upgrades, and Monster expansions.
This product may not be available again for quite some time. After Black Friday, we will spend time ensuring the stability and comfort of our dwellings before making any more invitations. Thank you in advance for understanding.
Check out our year 2 update!
Dwelling Keys
Each Kingdom Death: Simulator dwelling is stocked with a digital copy of Kingdom Death: Monster 1.6. Each player will need their own dwelling to play together.
When you purchase KDS you will receive an email invitation to create your KDS account, download the simulator, and play.
Dwelling Master Key Set - Limited Time
This is for dwellers that want to support the project ongoing development of this project. Holders of the Digital Master Key Set will receive every KD:M expansion we bring to KDS, including the original 12 from our first Monster kickstarter and all monster expansions offered through Monster 1.5 kickstarter, Vignettes, and future major KD:M gameplay expansions. Single release miniatures (like Morg, Halloween Survivors, Holiday Satan, etc), cosmetic, and experiential upgrades are not included.
Kingdom Death: Simulator - Recommend Specs
OS: Windows 10 1903 and newer (PC) or Monterey 12.6.1 and newer (Mac)
CPU: Intel Core i5-6500 or AMD Ryzen R5-1600 or better
RAM: 8 GB DDR3 or more
GPU: DirectX 11 compatible GPU with 3 GB VRAM or more
Grumpy Dwelling
The dwelling shelves are groaning under the weight of new expansions and exciting features. It will be quite grumpy! Please expect some strange behavior, glitches and bugs. The project is very much in active development.
Boutique Software
This project is intended for a smaller specific audience and not mass public appeal. Our approach, design, and price points may not adhere to industry standards. We thank you in advance for your support if you decide to join us on this journey. Expect a bumpy ride!
A high-fidelity digital experience. White Gigalion, Dragon King, Dung Beetle Knight, Flower Knight, Gorm, Green Knight, Lion God, Lion Knight, Lonely Tree, Manhunter, Slenderman, Spidicules, Sunstalker, Expansion of Death Volume 1 and more are available for purchase.
Learn more about the Kingdom Death: Simulator here.
First Hunt XP Milestones - Features Added Year 1

Stone Cloud Box
Safeguard your campaign inside the stonecloud box. Save your campaign's survivor and settlement record sheets for the next lantern year. Print and play your campaign at your next earthly meetup.

Eyeclops Camera
Capture images of your triumphs and defeats, frozen forever in your personal dwelling album. Take a snapshot of your table to save your progress then use your images to continue where you left off.

Ghost Pen
Open the pen to quickly record cards onto your survivor record sheet.

Showdown Assistance
While it won't save you from the monster's grasping claws, the dwelling now sets up your monster game decks, tokens, and setup on the showdown board.

Hunt Assistance
Quickly lay out a hunt board by specifying a monster and its level. Get right to the inevtiable maw of the Harvester faster than ever before.