Seed Pattern Survivors
Seed pattern survivors are struck by the breathtaking moment of inspiration, inventing outrageous tools that would never occur from need alone. Seed pattern survivors include all components to add these inventions to your game.
What's included with a seed survivor

Seed Pattern Survivor Model
A miniature of the unique survivor inspired to create a wondrous object. They are depicted with the corresponding gear (highlighted in blue). Use this survivor miniature to represent any survivor in your campaign. You need not use this miniature to gain their seed pattern.

Seed Pattern Card
A seed pattern card describes the steps and resources needed to craft your new invention. Once your settlement gains a seed pattern they can pursue the strange process of crafting it. Details of crafting seed patterns are included below.

Seed Pattern Gear
Once the seed pattern is crafted, gain the corresponding seed pattern gear included in the box. Seed pattern gear can have exciting rules (glossary cards are included to explain new concepts). Any survivor may use this gear to face the horrors ahead.
Seed Patterns in your Game
Before you play with seed patterns, start by creating a seed pattern deck (typically at the start of your compaign) from the seed pattern cards in your collection.
Examine the keywords on all seed pattern cards in your collection to determine which ones belong in your campaign. Keywords are often monsters or game components (e.g., White Lion, Scout, etc.).
If your campaign has all the keywords listed on the card, keep the card. If any keyword is not in your campaign, your settlement cannot build the gear. Do not use that seed pattern. Also include any base seed pattern cards that only have the seed keyword.
Shuffle all the cards together to create the settlement’s seed pattern deck. Draw from this deck when instructed to gain a seed pattern.
Gain Seed Patterns
Inspiration arrives with insight. Seed Patterns are added to your core game when survivors reach 3 levels of understanding. When they reach this milestone survivors experience the Insight story event. At this moment, they may also draw a random seed pattern card. As more survivors reach this milestone, additional seed patterns are drawn. The settlement may craft a seed pattern when they possess the tools and resources required.
The Gambler's Chest expansion contains an alternative campaign (People of the Dream Keeper) where survivors gain seed patterns differently. It includes the milestone story event Designs and Dandelions, which provides replacement rules for how to play with Seed Patterns, with in-depth details provided by the Gambler’s Chest expansion rulebook.
Seed Pattern Cards
1 | Name: The name of the seed pattern and the corresponding seed pattern gear.
2 | Keywords: The keywords that determine which seed patterns belong in your campaign. If a monster's name is present, include this only when your campaign has this monster.
3 | Number: A unique number to organize your seed pattern cards.
4 | Crafting limit: The total quantity of this pattern gear that your settlement can have at any time.
5 | Diagram: Shows an image of the pattern gear and its crafting process. For illustrative purposes only.
6 | Era: Eras are noted in roman numerals I – IV, corresponding to monster nodes 1 – 4. Craft this gear with resources from monsters in this or a later era.
7 | Cost: Lists the components that must be spent (archived) to craft this gear. These can be specific resource cards, resource types (constrained by the pattern’s era), gear, vermin, etc.
8 | Crafting Steps: The steps required to fabricate this seed pattern gear. Icons next to each step appear in three colors that denote the type of step.
Gray steps are storytelling without rules.
Blue steps include a requirement in bold that must be met to craft this gear. Unlike the resource costs of crafting this gear, requirements are neither spent nor archived. These requirements are broad, ranging from verifying gear or settlement locations exist in your settlement, to survivors with specific attributes.
Purple steps describe changes that occur to your settlement and its survivors as an outcome of crafting this gear. Apply these changes as you complete the crafting process. Some outcomes are tragic consequences; others are unexpected boons.
Craft Seed Pattern Gear
During the Develop step of the settlement phase, players can use their earned Seed Pattern cards to craft their respective gear cards. They must fulfill all requirements of the listed crafting process. First, spend and archive the cost of the Seed Pattern gear, which can be more than just resources. You may need to spend gear or endeavors to craft a Seed Pattern gear.
If a Seed Pattern cost includes resource types instead of a named resource card, these resources must come from a monster (not basic resources), and that monster must appear in the era of that seed pattern or later.
For example, an Itemsmith's Lens (Era II) costs 1 x Broken Lantern and 1 x Organ. To fulfill the Organ requirement, they must spend a monster resource with the organ subtype from a Node 2 quarry monster or later.
Players will also have to meet any bolded requirements on blue steps of the Seed Pattern card. Unlike the cost, these requirements are not spent nor archived; the settlement must simply have the necessary things, ranging from resources, to innovations, to survivors with specific quirks.
Finally, purple steps reflect any changes that occur to your settlement and its survivors. Update all survivors, gear, and items that change as you complete the crafting process. When all of this is said and done, gain the associated Seed Pattern gear and return the recipe card to the settlement's earned Seed Pattern cards.